Nutrition Services

kid eating ice cream cone

What the heck is a non-diet dietitian?

Well, rather then prescribing a diet they prescribe the thing that most of our client’s did prior to dieting... intuition.

Have you ever seen a typical 4 year old with food? They tell you when they are hungry, and they insist on eating whether you feel like making them food or not. They know what they want and scream till they get it. Once they’ve had enough they push their plate away. Getting them to take even one more bite is like pulling teeth.

If you try to feed them when they aren’t hungry they get ragingly angry. It’s as if they have some kind of secret power that tells them when they are hungry and when they are full. Something that allows them to eat absolutely anything and stop when they’ve had enough.

They don’t worry about their weight or shape. They don’t wake up at 5am to “burn off” their dinner from the night before. They don’t count calories or concern themselves with intermittent fasting.

This magic power, ladies and gentleman, is called Intuition. You were born with it. We all were. And you can reclaim it!

baby eating a cake with no hands

Lemme guess, your intuition would just lead you astray? If you listened to your intuition, you’d eat copious amounts of ice cream and Doritos for breakfast lunch and dinner?

That’s not your intuition. That’s scarcity talking. A strange thing can occur when you physically or mentally deprive yourself of specific foods for an extended period of time. If you tell yourself something is off limits for too long (whether you actually avoid it or just shame yourself for eating it) you can create what we call “scarcity mentality” or “last supper mentality” around that food. Otherwise known as: hurry up and eat as much as you can before A) it’s off limits again or B) the guilt kicks in.

We are sure you have all sorts of rebuttals as to why intuitive eating doesn’t work for you. Or why you can not be trusted around food. You are a food addict. You have no control. Really, we get it. We specialize in this stuff. Give us a chance.

We are sure you have all sorts of rebuttals as to why intuitive eating doesn’t work for you. Or why you can not be trusted around food. You are a food addict. You have no control. Really, we get it. We specialize in this stuff. Give us a chance.